{ "type": "page", "title": [ "Svedit", [] ], "subtitle": [ "A template for building rich content editors with Svelte 5", [ [ 24, 44, "emphasis" ] ] ], "body": [ { "type": "story", "layout": 1, "image": "/images/editable.svg", "title": [ "Visual in‑place editing", [] ], "description": [ "Model your content in JSON, render it with Svelte components, and edit content directly in the layout. You only have to follow a couple of rules to make this work.", [] ] }, { "type": "story", "layout": 2, "image": "/images/lightweight.svg", "title": [ "Minimal viable editor", [] ], "description": [ "The reference implementation uses only about 1000 lines of code. That means you'll be able to serve editable web pages, removing the need for a separate Content Management System.", [ [ 100, 118, "link", { "href": "" } ] ] ] }, { "type": "story", "layout": 1, "image": "/images/nested-blocks-illustration.svg", "title": [ "Nested blocks", [] ], "description": [ "A block can embed a container of other blocks. For instance the list block at the bottom of the page has a container of list items.", [] ] }, { "type": "story", "layout": 2, "image": "/images/container-cursors.svg", "title": [ "Container cursors", [] ], "description": [ "They work just like text cursors, but instead of a character position in a string they address a block position in a container.\n\nTry it by selecting a few blocks, then press ↑ or ↓. Press ↵ to insert a new block or ⌫ to delete the block before the cursor.", [] ] }, { "type": "story", "layout": 1, "image": "/images/svelte-logo.svg", "title": [ "Made for Svelte 5", [] ], "description": [ "Integrate with your Svelte application. Use it as a template and copy and paste Svedit.svelte to build your custom rich content editor.", [ [ 20, 26, "link", { "href": "" } ], [ 80, 93, "emphasis", null ] ] ] }, { "type": "story", "layout": 2, "image": "/images/extendable.svg", "title": [ "Alpha version", [] ], "description": [ "Expect bugs. Expect missing features. Expect the need for more work on your part to make this work for your use case.\n\nFind below a list of known issues we'll be working to get fixed next:", [] ] }, { "type": "list", "list_style": "decimal-leading-zero", "items": [ { "type": "list_item", "description": [ "Images can not yet be selected and changed. We'll solve this by making any non‑text property selectable on the canvas, and show a popover (e.g. an image selector, or a math formula editor) to make changes, which will then be reflected in the canvas display immediately.", [] ] }, { "type": "list_item", "description": [ "Container selections inside nested blocks (e.g. list items in this list) do not work reliably yet.", [] ] }, { "type": "list_item", "description": [ "Only the latest Chrome is supported at the moment as we rely on CSS Anchor Positioning for overlays.", [] ] }, { "type": "list_item", "description": [ "Full mobile support is considered in our design, but not yet implemented.", [] ] } ] }, { "type": "story", "layout": 1, "editable": false, "image": "/images/github.svg", "title": [ "Star us on GitHub", [] ], "description": [ "Please star Svedit on GitHub or watch the repo to be notified about updates. Svedit is made by Michael Aufreiter and Johannes Mutter and is licensed under the MIT License.", [ [ 0, 28, "link", { "href": "", "target": "_blank" } ], [ 95, 112, "link", { "href": "", "target": "_blank" } ], [ 117, 132, "link", { "href": "", "target": "_blank" } ] ] ] } ] }